Tuesday, September 15, 2009

remember bobby blue?

I do (renee). I was having a hard time getting out of bed on Sunday morning which I need to do to ensure I can sleep Sunday night. Anyways, I was having a hard time getting out of bed and I remembered bobby blue. Soft, luxurious bobby blue malabrigo. malabrigo in general. I was thinking about this shirt/sweater that I want to knit with malabrigo but I bought black. Why didn’t I buy a beautiful variegated color? I remember when amy c. first brought my attention to bobby blue when decided on it for her first sweater. There were a lot of great things about working at spark and a number of shitty things but nothing like the frustration of trying to get orders from malabrigo. Eh, I don’t think the bobby blue ever materialized. I haven’t wanted to knit in a long time, I am not sure why. I used to knit all the time, all day every day. I haven’t knit in a year, and didn’t knit much in the year leading up to the past year. I have been more interested in sewing, which reminds me I must post about the shirt that I made. But Sunday morning my yarn was calling to me. I went through my craft bins a week ago and reorganized everything, it was fantastic. I am sure that exercise, plus the nip in the air on Sunday that opened my mind to malabrigo. That and the fact that I spoke to someone about starting a group for knitters to finish projects – only those in progress with some sort of reward in place when you finish a project. Any ideas? What would be a good reward besides the satisfaction of a job well done and a new sweater to wear? Anyways, now I can’t stop thinking about malabrigo…except when I pause to think about the Zypher Style rusted root shirt I want to make.


  1. love your first sentence! you should talk more about your sleeping schedule. i would be interested to know. also, the picture of the Zypher Style shirt is beautiful! i think a high five would be a great reward for finishing a knitting project. <3

  2. Have you folks made chili yet? I heard through the grapes that you have my Mom's chili recipe!

  3. Food. Food is always the best reward.
