This entry ties in nicely with the last one because it prominently features our homemade pie crust! Dave has always loved pot pie. It is possibly his dad's most favorite meal, and a point of bonding between them, as his mom and sister don't eat much meat. The recipe we use for the filling is from the Betty Crocker cookbook, probably slightly modified but not much. One major plus for this dish is that it requires little preperation the day of the pie. We cook chickens at our leisure and then freeze the meat, so you just need to take it out of the freezer and thaw.
Bake for a few minutes and then let it cool! We have pictures here from our most recent and probably most mammoth pot pie. We are also looking forward to making a turkey pot pie with some of our thanksgiving turkey.
That looks delicious! I love pot pie! Pot pie also makes a great Christmas gift, in my opinion.