Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday Music

Quick post about some music stuff on Friday, 7-10. Dave played at Pikes Perk Downtown from 7-8. Some would say sparsely attended, I prefer intimate. Setlist looked like this:
The Women
Smoking Jacket
Traveling So Far
Norwegian Wood (Beatles)
Strychnine and Honey
Strip Mall Town
Souvenir (Ferron)
Mama Boss
This Old House
Lucky Me
Hate To See You Go
She Belongs To Me (Bob Dylan)
Boxcar Blues
Overall a pretty fun time, and good practice.
On Sunday Dave did some recording for the upcoming Compost Shark album - vocals, drums and guitar for Ode to Maria Shriver and some work on a new song. He also recorded a cover of "Don't Worry About The Government" by Talking Heads. I can't seem to figure out how to post it here, so I will put it on myspace and if you are interested, you can head over there:
Renee had some unsuccessful crafting attempts over the weekend. She is working on a computer case for her macbook and a shirt. She cut out the paper pattern parts with lots of help from the cats and then brought her stuff over to her friend Lin's house on Sunday, but ended up gossiping and then leaving her supplies there.
Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. I love the cover of "Don't Worry About the G-ment" I heard, but my new favorite is "Post"! Wish I had been there Dafe... looks like a solid setlist and I'm sure it was even better than cleaning the inside of a megaphone!
