Monday, July 20, 2009

Seahorse and Manatee

Last week was not very blogable. It was pretty typical, dave did do some baking but we didn’t create much otherwise. We did our big shop. That is basically a day of grocery shopping with supplies for 2 weeks, which we usually stretch out for 4 weeks. This week we went to three big stores for food and a big farmers market. Very exciting stuff. If you want to be more entertained you can stop reading this and start reading Julie’s blog. Don’t let the fact that she doesn’t like deer scare you off. Her musings of conditioner and dreams of heros are remarkably addictive. I suppose it is not all that surprising that her blog is so fun to read and addictive since she is an actual writer, like an author. She another of our favorite artisans in training. In addition to being a writer she is a generally crafty lady making her own jewelry and curtains. Anyways, we frequently check to see if she has new entries (often several times a day) because we can’t get enough.

Ok, back to the blog at hand. Things picked up for us this weekend. First of all Renee went to Christina’s house for some brewing. Christina chose a sour cherry beer for her first brew. What is craftier than brewing beer at home? Exactly, nothing. A good time was had by all, except for Dave who stayed home to record. Well, he had a good time, but not at Christina’s. He recorded an acoustic version of kathleen for the new compost shark/manatee’s album and my ghost a new solo. Those should be up soon. In addition to working on the new compost shark/manatee’s album dave is working on two of his own albums right now. More on that soon. Then Sunday Renee finally retrieved her current projects from Lin’s house and finished her new computer case. It was very simple, guided not by a pattern but by intuition which does involve some seam ripping but results in exactly what works for you. If you are interested in making one you should know that there is an outside (red) and an inside (blue).

Measure your computer, cut two rectangles, and sew them up! There are two layers of fleece interfacing on the front and the back for extra protection. Depending on how rough you are more may be in order. It seems like two layers is adequate if placing in a backpack or purse.


  1. wow, what a great shout out!! i'm flattered :)

    AND, i frequently make laptop cases in my head, but maybe now i'll do it for real. you've inspired me. i have this idea of mine being a dark, swirly teal design with a sparkly button closure.


  2. TWO NEW ALBUMS?!?!! Update soon! If you update, Brig and I will try to update x-country blog! plleeeeeaaaase! Nice laptop case! Do you sell your crafts online? Where is the shop?

  3. tres cute computer case! It makes me want a sewing machine.

  4. Julie - you should totally make one, i like your idea and your general obsession with teal.
    Sam - no selling online. but i would make you anything you wanted.
    Shauna- why get a sewing machine when your mum has the best one in the world? !? you can use that one!
